Water bottling companies can save time with 296P Continuum

Water bottling companies have to work faster in order to keep up with the demands of the market. This would entail newer and faster machines. The quest for such type of machine has been addressed by Standard-Knapp, a leading manufacturer of packaging equipments and materials.

Standard-Knapp produced the Continuum system which enables bottling firms to bottle and packs their products. This packaging involves placing the produce in trays before it is finally bound or secured with shrink-wrap plastic.

The newly- introduced 296P Continuum was created primarily for water bottling companies. It is believed that this would mean a more efficient and speedier bottling and packaging process. This system can result to an even bigger number of trays packed with approximately seventy trays in a minute. This is even better compared with the previous model, the 296l Continuum. This model also works with multipacks which are not braced with any support even if it uses clear or printed films as commonly used in water bottles.

Though the 296P Continuum targets the packaging of water bottles it also is possible to use it with other materials like glass or metal. It can also be effective in the packaging of beverage containers such as polyethelane terephthalate or PET and even with HDPE, another type of polyethelane which has a higher density.

This new technology also incorporates a touch screen control as well as the Zero Gap to avert the jamming in the packaging lanes. This is made possible with the use of the “in-feed technology.”

Standard-Knapp has manufactured other packaging innovations which can be opted for to address the specific concerns of the manufacturing companies. The 296P Continuum is just the tip of the of these latest developed technology of the US based company.

Water bottling companies can save time with 296P Continuum

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