Rui’an City Bingcheng Self-Seal Bag Making Factory

Our enterprise aims at building quality brands to market honestly. We keep up the management concept of “taking high technology as precursor, taking innovation to develop”. Honesty pursuit of excellence, and first-rate production are the goals of our enterprise. Warmth and a perfect after-sales service provide you reliable support, and create a permanent enterprise credibility. While adopting more science and technology, we research and develop new products, introduce ISO900 quality assurance system model, scientific management and standardized operation. Outstanding quality is our enterprise’s eternal pursuit.

Along with the deepening of economic restructuring, facing the era of digital information, all the staff of our enterprise will continuously improve the ability of connecting with the international development while improving our technique. We will greet the opportunity and challenge the Internet ages bring us in a state of being young and full of energies. We take the spirit of “unity, struggle, realism, innovation”. We will produce top-grade products. We will await respectfully people of different walks of life by offering a perfect after service.

Company Name: Rui’an City Bingcheng Self-Seal Bag Making Factory
Company Address: Jinzishan Road, Dongshan Dongshan Street, Ruian City, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China
Zip/Postal Code:
Telephone Number: 86-13706646136
Fax Number: 86-577-65062956
Contact Person: Ms. Ye

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