Greener Packaging Influences Shopping Decisions

Manufacturers constantly search for better ways to make their products smaller and comfortable on the eyes of consumers. Packaging design is challenging enough with the everyday evolution of products especially if the design has to provide a solution for current ecological needs as green is still heavy on the mind when it comes to consumer decision-making.

According to a recent study from Perception Research services(PRS), shoppers are interested in choosing eco-friendly packaging is increasing. Perception Research Services, whose clients include consumer products manufacturers such as HP and Johnson & Johnson, has been conducting studies on consumer attitudes about packaging and the environment since 2007. One thousand consumers from across the country were surveyed for the 2011 study on packaging and the environment. Shoppers choosing eco-friendly packaging has significantly increased when compared to 2010 (36% vs. 28%). Nearly 50% of the shoppers polled said they might be willing to pay a premium for packaging that is good for the earth, which was particularly true of shoppers under the age of 40. More than half of the shoppers in the study stated that seeing environmental claims on packaging encourages the consumers to buy more of that brand.

Greener packaging is something consumers are demanding so this has to be well-designed, streamlined, biodegradable and easily recycled or reused. Eco-friendly packaging design fulfills the needs of a business having to connect with its targeted consumers without sacrificing our environment.

The study from the New Jersey marketing firm further revealed that shoppers continue to notice environmental claims at a high level, they are increasingly frustrated by the information provided, One in five shoppers said packaging didn’t include enough environmental information and they don’t know which packages are best for the environment. Many respondents said they are confused by all the different environmental claims. The study also pointed out that “recyclable,” “easier to recycle” or “made from recycled materials,” or if it was marked with a recycling symbol had the biggest effect on buying behavior. Consumers notice recycling claims more than being aware of products that are produced with less material.

Jonathan Asher, Perception Research Services’ executive vice president commented: “We’re seeing a great opportunity for manufacturers to provide truly value-added packaging to their target shoppers by making it more environmentally friendly.”

Meanwhile, Dennis Salazar, president and co-founder of Salazar packaging said that unlike some who always question motive, don’t get worried if a company’s eco-effort is driven by environmental consciousness or by bottom line financial objectives. “I do see a growing interest in using less packaging – period. Consumers like it, manufacturers like it, and we all win,” he stated. Given the opportunities associated with greener packaging, manufacturers who invest in educating both themselves and consumers are sure to reap big rewards for their brands.

Greener Packaging Influences Shopping Decisions

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